Retreat Details and Travel Information
Below is all of the information you will need to register for the retreat, make travel arrangement, understand COVID requirements and what things to bring to the retreat. Please send an email to if you have any questions or need assistance.
Travel and Shuttle
For those traveling into Costa Rica and want to use the free Ahki Shuttle Service to the retreat on March 19th, book your flight to arrive at the Liberia International airport for an arrival time of no later than 3:00 PM. If you arrive after 3:00 PM or plan to arrive at Costa Rica on an earlier date, you will be responsible for your own transportation to Ahki Retreat. The ride from Liberia International Airport is approximately 2.5 hours.
Many travelers choose to fly into Liberia the night before and stay at the Airport Hilton Garden Inn in Liberia and catch the Ahki shuttle the next day. Free Hilton Hotel airport shuttles run every 15 min to and from the airport.
Check in at Ahki begins at 3:00 PM. The group shuttle from the Liberia airport will arrive around 5:30 PM. We will begin the retreat with a welcome dinner that evening.
Check out is Saturday, March 26th by 9:00 am. Those who need a shuttle back to Libera Airport should book their return flight at 1:00 or after on that day. If you plan to stay in Costa Rica to tour the country longer, you will be responsible to coordinate and pay for your own transportation to depart Ahki by 9:00 am. Some may find that departing flights are cheaper if they leave on Sunday and stay at the Airport Hilton Garden Inn on Saturday evening.
Flying into San Jose International Airport is an option; however, it is 5-hour shuttle ride to Nosara and you will be responsible for your own transportation to a from the airport at your own expense. There are shuttle flights from San Jose to the Nosara airport, but again, this will be at your own expense. If you take a shuttle flight to Nosara, please note there are bag restrictions. Check with the airline for more information.
For those who will be taking the Ahki shuttle on March 19th and the 26th please send a copy of your flight itinerary to
To enter Costa Rica, you will need a valid passport and have completed the on-line Costa Rica Health Pass within 72 hours of departure. For more information on requirements to enter and exit Costa Rica visit: Entry Requirements
To complete the required Health Pass within 72 hours of your departure go to:
If you have a COVID vaccination you will need to upload proof when you complete your health pass.
If you are not Covid vaccinated, you can still freely enter the country but will need to purchase a travel insurance policy for the entire duration of your stay in Costa Rica (This is a Costa Rica requirement). All information is available in the link provided above. If you need to purchase health travel insurance, we have found that the most affordable and reasonable travel insurance policy is through Trawick International; however, there are plenty of other options. We are available to assist and answer any of your questions. Please email us at
PLEASE NOTE: As we are sure all of you are aware, travel restrictions and guidelines can change at any moment. It is important that you stay informed of travel changes that may affect you depending on travel origination. ***We strongly recommend that you invest in a travel policy that includes “cancel for any reason” clauses. These types of policies are also available through Trawick International. It can be a helpful investment, so you don’t need to be concerned about losing the money you invested for your travel in the event you need to cancel due to an emergency or if travel is cancelled due to COVID.
We want everyone to feel as safe and relaxed as possible during your time with us at the retreat; therefore, we are asking ALL participants to get COVID tested within their country of origin within 72-hours prior to the arrival day of the retreat regardless if you have had a vaccine or not. You will be asked to submit your results either via e-mail to or upon arrival of the retreat site on March 19th. If you arrive without a test, you will not be able to participate in the retreat until you have obtained a negative test result from a testing facility in the town of Nosara.
If you are returning to the United States after the retreat, you will need proof of a negative COVID test within 24 hours of your departure. Check the latest requirements by visiting:
We will assist participants obtain their exit COVID test on Friday, March 25th if their departing flight is on Saturday 26th. Rapid Antigen Test cost around $65. You will be responsible to pay for this expense.
If you are departing Costa Rica after March 26th, you will need to coordinate your own COVID test to exit the country. The Liberia Airport offers COVID testing on the day of departure by appointment only. You can find details about this testing on the Liberia International Airport website by visiting:
If all of this sounds stressful, please relax. We are here to assist you and help answer your questions and talk you through the process. Costa Rica has streamlined these processes to make it as easy for you as possible to get your COVID results in plenty of time for departure.
Ahki Retreat has plenty of health and safety protocols in place at the retreat location. You can view their COVID protocols by visiting the Ahki Retreat website at
Retreat Cost, Registration and Cancelation Policy
All retreat costs are due in full upon registration. To complete the registration process, complete the following registration form.
Once the form has been received, someone will contact you to complete registration payment through Venmo or Paypal. If you do not use either of these services, let us know so we can make alternative payment arrangements.
Cost of Room includes the cost of the retreat, all meals and shuttle services to and from Liberia Airport (To use the shuttle you must arrive March 19th by 3:00 PM and Departure March 26th, if you arrive outside of those dates or are traveling from another airport you will be responsible for your own shuttle coordination and costs.)
Single Occupancy: (limited number available) $2,500
Double Occupancy: $2250
Triple Occupancy: $2000
Commuter: $1100 all meals included
Additional: $300 per person for Plant Medicine Ceremony (Participation in the plant medicine ceremony is optional. If you are interested you will be required to fill out a separate survey form and have a short discussion with Ron Nikel the facilitator.
Prior to arrival, please complete the AHKi Retreat Liability Waiver form required by the AHKi Retreat and email to
If you need to cancel for any reason your money will be refunded at 50% up to 30 days prior to the retreat. Anything after 30 days is non-refundable. If you have to leave the retreat early for any reason, no refunds will be made.
If for any reason we need to cancel the retreat, you will be refunded 100% of the registration costs. (Not including your airfare)
Optional Spa Treatments
During your stay, you will have the option to sign up for a variety of different massage appointments with a selection of therapists, individual sound treatments and Kambo. More information about the cost of the sessions will be made available soon. Please be prepared to pay cash for treatments.
How to Prepare for Your Trip - What to Bring
During the month of March, Nosara is very warm and dry and gets very little if no rain. The evenings get cooler especially up in the hills where we will be staying, but it is still comfortably warm at night. You are coming to the jungle so expect to experience the sounds of Howler Monkeys, tropical birds, see iguanas, and all forms of animal and bird life. Also bring your preferred bug repellent, as there are bugs and mosquitoes in the jungle.
Because it is so warm, bring light comfortable summer clothes! Shorts, tees, tanks, comfortable yoga attire, sundresses, sandals, sun hats are encouraged and acceptable. Evenings are a bit cooler but not much. You may want to bring long sleeves or a shawl but it also may not be necessary.
There is a saltwater swimming pool at AHKi and we will take trip to the beach, so make sure to pack swim / beach wear. Along with your sandals you may also want to pack a pair of comfortable walking shoes. Sunglasses and good sunblock will also come in handy!
Bring a water bottle and a small flashlight for the evenings.
Towels are provided in your rooms and for the pool and beach trips.
All yoga props will be provided at the retreat including mats, blankets, bolsters, blocks and straps.
Soap, shampoo and conditioner are provided by AHKi retreat; however, you can also bring your own if you prefer.
The intention of the week is to disconnect and be present while on retreat so please be prepared to keep your cell phone use to a minimum and use only as necessary. There is WiFi available on-site in the main house area only.
Bring extra cash to pay for any body work you receive, tips or to cover cost of things you may buy while we are on an excursion.
This is going to be an extraordinary retreat and we look forward to your arrival and participation. Remember we are here to support you and answer any questions you have regarding the retreat and necessary travel requirements.